NSU Workshop Repair Manuals PDF

NSU Prinz 1000L Service Manual
NSU Prinz 1000L Service Manual
NSU Prinz 1000L Service Manual.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 4.9 MB
NSU Prinz PI-4 Service Manual
NSU Prinz PI-4 Service Manual
NSU Prinz PI-4 Service Manual.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 4.1 MB

NSU RO 80 Repair Manual
NSU RO 80 Repair Manual
NSU RO 80 Repair Manual.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 2.8 MB
NSU Prinz PII Repair Manual
NSU Prinz PII Repair Manual
NSU Prinz PII Repair Manual.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 2.0 MB

History of NSU

 Welcome to the world of NSU, a legendary automotive manufacturer that has left an indelible mark on the industry. With a storied history dating back over a century, NSU has been a driving force behind groundbreaking innovations and technological advancements that continue to shape the automotive landscape today.

Founded in 1873, NSU initially began as a sewing machine and bicycle manufacturer. However, it was in the early 20th century that NSU made its mark in the automotive realm. The company quickly gained recognition for its visionary engineering and passion for pushing the boundaries of what was considered possible.


One of NSU's most notable achievements was the development of the first Wankel rotary engine, which revolutionized the automotive industry. NSU embraced this groundbreaking technology and became the first manufacturer to bring a rotary-powered car to the market. The NSU Ro80, with its futuristic design and smooth rotary engine, set new standards for performance and refinement.

In addition to its innovative engine technology, NSU was known for its exceptional engineering prowess. The company produced a range of vehicles that showcased its commitment to craftsmanship and precision. From nimble and stylish sports cars like the NSU Spider and NSU TTS to practical and reliable sedans like the NSU Prinz, NSU catered to a diverse range of drivers with its diverse lineup.

NSU's passion for motorsports was evident in its successful racing endeavors. The company achieved remarkable victories in various motorsport disciplines, including motorcycle racing and endurance racing. NSU's motorcycles and race cars not only showcased their engineering prowess but also helped to establish the brand's reputation for performance and reliability.


Unfortunately, NSU's automotive production came to an end in the late 20th century, as the company merged with another automotive giant. However, NSU's legacy lives on through its influence on the industry and the enduring impact of its technological innovations.

Today, NSU is remembered as a pioneer, a brand that dared to challenge conventions and push the limits of what was possible. The spirit of innovation and excellence that defined NSU continues to inspire automotive enthusiasts and engineers alike.

While NSU may no longer produce vehicles, its legacy serves as a reminder of the relentless pursuit of automotive perfection. The spirit of NSU lives on in the hearts of those who appreciate the artistry and ingenuity of automotive engineering, forever celebrating the achievements of this remarkable brand.