Dadi Car PDF Workshop and Repair manuals

Dadi schematic diagram
Dadi schematic diagram
Dadi schematic diagram.jpg
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Dadi Shuttle Engine 4G64 S4M Electrical Wiring Diagrams
Dadi Shuttle Engine 4G64 S4M Electrical Wiring Diagrams
Dadi Shuttle Engine 4G64 S4M Electrical
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.8 MB
Dadi 4G64 S4M engine Service Manual
Dadi 4G64 S4M engine Service Manual
Dadi 4G64 S4M engine Service Manual.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 2.6 MB
Dadi Shuttle service manual
Dadi Shuttle service manual
Dadi Shuttle service manual.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 7.2 MB

History of Dadi

The meaning of the word DADI stands for a person with his arms spread wide and his legs spread wide. The sign DADI is a Chinese character that translates to "YES". Also, the DADI emblem means something “big”. The DADI logo is unique and there are no copies of this logo. Dadi is a large automobile concern. At one time, he was the largest manufacturer of pickup trucks and SUVs, and made a kind of revolution in their production. Until the beginning of 1988, the company had a different name and was engaged in the production of heavy vehicles for military purposes. The former company supplied its cars to the Chinese army, and also sold cars to the countries of the Middle East.

The quality and reliability of SUVs and pickups produced by Dadi have created a good reputation for the automobile brand not only in China, but also abroad. The positive thing about these cars was that they were easy to use and incredibly well equipped. Chinese design engineers thought out the car in such a way that in the event of a minor breakdown, the car could be repaired even in the field. The Dadi plant also produced spare parts for cars, and they could easily be found in any specialized auto repair shop or showroom in Europe and China. Dadi SUVs have proven themselves to have particularly high cross-country ability and reliability in all weather conditions and situations.   

The ability of these vehicles to transport large loads allowed them to be used in various industries.

The automobile company wisely settled in a huge economic zone, which allowed it to increase the industrial capacity of the plant and produce up to fifty thousand cars a year. The company's management also took care of the commercial issue and agreed on cooperation with more than 200 dealer sales points and 320 service stations. Dadi cars have proven themselves not only to be of excellent quality and reliability, but also not to have a high price, which is very important. The products of the automobile enterprise were supplied to more than sixty countries of the world, including the CIS countries.

The reliability of the cars was confirmed by the international product quality standard ISO 9000. The company's most popular models were Dadi City Leading, Dadi Smothing, and Dadi Shuttle. One of the representatives of the line of Chinese SUVs was the Dadi City Leading, which was produced in several versions: with diesel and gasoline engines of different capacities. The 2.4 liter petrol engine enabled the car to accelerate to 150 km/h. The fuel consumption of this SUV was 12 liters per hundred kilometers. And on a diesel engine the consumption was 10 liters. The powerful unit allowed the car to drive over almost any terrain, but it did not belong to the economical class at all.

The all-wheel drive version of the car performed much better than the standard, and its handling and maneuverability exceeded the standard many times over. Dadi has significantly expanded its product range recently. The company's car sales also increased. Dadi has established several factories in the former Soviet Union. Despite the global crisis, the company continues to expand production and constantly releases new models of its cars.