Chana Car Workshop and Repair manuals

Chana Benni 2008 Service Manual
Chana Benni 2008 Service Manual
Chana Benni 2008 Service Manual_compress
Adobe Acrobat Document 254.9 KB
Chana Benni Owners manual
Chana Benni Owners manual
Chana Benni Owners manual.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.2 MB
Chana_Bulletin_3_10_03_2009 _4
Chana_Bulletin_3_10_03_2009 _4
Chana_Bulletin_3_10_03_2009 _4_compresse
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.3 MB
Chana_Benni Spare Parts Catalog
Chana_Benni Spare Parts Catalog
Chana_Benni Spare Parts Catalog.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 9.0 MB
Chana Benni Wiring Diagram
Chana Benni Wiring Diagram
Chana Benni Wiring Diagram.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 105.4 KB

History of Chana

The Chana automobile company has firmly taken the 3rd place in Chinese car production and is the largest automobile plant. The head office and factory are located in Chongqing. According to history, back in 1862, a small private car manufacturing company was opened here. After the people's revolution, in 1949, the factory became the property of the people and until the 80s began to produce cars for the needs of the army. In 1982, a contract was signed on joint activities for the production of models with the Japanese carmaker Suzuki, in 1995 the company became a joint-stock company. The year 2001 was marked by the opening of joint projects with the legendary Ford Motor. 


The concern's products are appreciated for their compactness and affordable cost. The company's policy is to create comfortable models that could be affordable for the average citizen. Among the models that are particularly popular. "ChangAn Ford Fiesta", assembled in 2001 from Indian components, "Mondeo", assembled from samples of the Taiwanese model. In 2005, Chana presented consumers with a Ford Focus car, a Volvo S40, which gained maximum ratings due to affordable prices. But the main products of the plant are spacious and comfortable minibuses "Suzuki Charry", purchased all over the world.


The year 2007 was the moment of a 3-fold increase in production, and the company produced more than 60 thousand CM8 cars. The joint work with FORD has produced more than 205 thousand units of Mazda and Ford models, the brainchild of the concern and Suzuki, more than 100 thousand cars. The management of the carmaker has big plans, and the latest models of cars for export to the countries of the Asian and eastern regions are soon being prepared for production.