2013 Fiat Abarth 500
2013 Fiat Abarth 500
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2015 Fiat Abarth 500
2015 Fiat Abarth 500
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2016 Fiat Abarth 500
2016 Fiat Abarth 500
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2017 Fiat Abarth 500
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 2012-fiat-500-abarth Download

History of Abarth

 The Abarth company was founded by the famous racer and designer Carlo Abarth. Until he created his own automobile company, he represented the interests of Porsche in Italy. Then Carlo Abarth got the idea of creating his own car production plant. He realized his dream only in 1949, when he founded his own company in Turin called Abarth. The company existed for 22 years. Throughout its existence, this automobile plant has developed and assembled its own cars based on the model range of the Italian automobile concern Fiat.

The company's first car was released under the name 1100. This model allowed Abarth to triumph in 18 racing stages. In 1950, taking into account his solid experience as a racer, Carlo creates a car capable of conquering the coveted speed limit of 190 km/h. This car was characterized by its light weight and streamlined body shape. The second Abarth car was released 6 years later. This car also brought its creator a large number of awards and victories. The year 1961 was marked by the signing of a cooperation agreement between Abarth and the FIAT automobile concern.

According to this agreement, FIAT supplied the Abarth plant with individual mechanisms for cars, and it, in turn, could modernize and improve them, guided by its own desires. This union of two car companies led to the emergence of a new model - 850TS; it was in this car model that modernized parts were first used. Soon two models with different modifications were released - 850EC "Nurburgring" and 850TC

"Corsa", these cars differed from the original model in the use of a water radiator. They were intended exclusively for racing. In 1963, a new car of the company was released - the Abarth 595. According to external data, it was similar to the FIAT 500 on the basis of which it was actually built. The new car was very popular in Italy due to its similarity with the FIAT 500. The price of the car was slightly lower than the original version. At this time, many consumers claim that Abarth uses other people's developments, and for its part adds more advanced and practical technical solutions.

This statement was indeed true, but Abert’s company did not hide the fact that it only modernizes those parts of cars that it considers necessary. That is why the Abarth 595 model had such a striking similarity with the FIAT 500, at the same time the car had several significant differences: a crankcase made of aluminum, a new carburetor that replaced the standard one. Such a minor modernization of the car had a very positive effect not on its overall power - the speed on the speedometer reached the level of 130 kilometers. For 1963, this figure was quite decent. Replacing the carburetor and using aluminum in parts made the car lighter, which made it possible to reach speeds faster on the road. The company was engaged not only in the production of cars for the Italian domestic market. The Abarth 207A model was developed and produced especially for the American auto market. The car's new engine boasted 66 horsepower. At the same time, the maximum speed reached 186 kilometers per hour. Abarth is becoming very popular in the USA. Abarth cars are bought without advertising, everyone knows that they are the fastest and at the same time the most affordable on the market. In 1965, the engineering department of the Italian manufacturer produced its own one-liter engine, which demonstrated excellent performance in tests in car racing. Carlo Abarth is entering a well-deserved retirement. The company cannot find an alternative replacement for its founder and merges with the FIAT automobile concern.